Hong Kong 1938-52 30c blue lig...
SG152Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 30c yellow-o...
SG151Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 25c pale oli...
SG150Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 25c bright-b...
SG149Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 20c scarlet-...
SG148Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 20c black li...
SG147Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 15c scarlet ...
SG146Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 10c dull red...
SG145bMounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 8c red-brown...
SG144Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 5c green per...
SG143Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 4c orange pe...
SG142Mounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 2c grey perf...
SG141aMounted mint
Hong Kong 1938-52 1c pale brow...
SG140aMounted mint
1955 2s6d PAP booklet May 1955...
SGF30Unmounted mint, never hinged
1989 Industrial Archaeology un...
SG 1440/43Unmounted mint, never hinged
1984 Centenary of Greenwich Me...
SG 1254/57Unmounted mint, never hinged
1981 Christmas. Children's Pic...
SG 1170/74Unmounted mint, never hinged
1981 50th Anniv of National Tr...
SG 1155/59Unmounted mint, never hinged
1981 Folklore unmounted mint.
SG 1143/46Unmounted mint, never hinged
1980 London Landmarks unmounte...
SG1120/24Unmounted mint, never hinged
1979 150th Anniv of Metropolit...
SG1100/03Unmounted mint, never hinged
1978 Christmas unmounted mint.
SG1071/74Unmounted mint, never hinged
1977 Centenary of Royal Insitu...
SG1029/32Unmounted mint, never hinged
1976 Centenary of Telephone un...
SG997/1000Unmounted mint, never hinged
1975 European Architectural He...
SG975/79Unmounted mint, never hinged
1975 62nd Inter-Parliamentary ...
SG988Unmounted mint, never hinged
1974 Bicentenary of Fire Preve...
SG950/53Unmounted mint, never hinged
1973 19th Commonwealth Parliam...
SG939/40Unmounted mint, never hinged
1988 Edward Lear souvenir shee...
SG1409Unmounted mint, never hinged
2011 Christmas. 400th Annivers...
SG3249Unmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Christmas. Illustrations ...
SG3422Unmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Diamond Jubilee souvenir ...
SG3272Unmounted mint, never hinged
Scotland 2004 Scottish Parliam...
SGS152Unmounted mint, never hinged
2011 UK A-Z (1st series) unmou...
SG3230/41Unmounted mint, never hinged
2011 150th Anniversary of Morr...
SG3181/86Unmounted mint, never hinged
2010 Europa. Children's Books....
SG3121/26Unmounted mint, never hinged
2003 (1st) Ben More, Isle of M...
SG2391Unmounted mint, never hinged
2003 Fruit and Vegetables unmo...
SG2348/57Unmounted mint, never hinged
2004 Woodland Animals unmounte...
SG2479aUnmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Diamond Jubilee Sheet sta...
SG3319/26AUnmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Christmas unmounted mint.
SG3415/21Unmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Space Science unmounted m...
SG3408/13Unmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Great British Fashion unm...
SG3309aUnmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Comics unmounted mint.
SG3284aUnmounted mint, never hinged
2012 Britons of Distinction un...
SG3273aUnmounted mint, never hinged
2012 House of Windsor unmounte...
SG3265/69Unmounted mint, never hinged
2011 House of Hanover unmounte...
SG3223/28Unmounted mint, never hinged
2011 Crown Jewels unmounted mint.
SG3207/14Unmounted mint, never hinged