League of Nations 1922-44 1f20...
SGLN26bUnmounted mint, never hinged
League of Nations 1922-44 60c ...
SGLN21aUnmounted mint, never hinged
League of Nations 1922-44 set ...
SG from LN2aFine used
League of Nations 1922-44 2f g...
SGLN28aUnmounted mint, never hinged
SGLN1/33Fine used
League of Nations 1922-44 80c ...
SGLN23aUnmounted mint, never hinged
International Labour Office 19...
SGLB18aUnmounted mint, never hinged
SGLB1/31Fine used
SGLB21Unmounted mint, never hinged
SGLB19Unmounted mint, never hinged
SG from LB20aFine used
SGLB21aUnmounted mint, never hinged
SGLB20aUnmounted mint, never hinged
SGLB25aUnmounted mint, never hinged
SGLB32/37Fine used
League of Nations 1932 Disarma...
SGLN34/39Fine used
League of Nations 1934-35 Land...
SGLN40/44Fine used
SGLB38Fine used
SGLB39/47AFine used
SGLB39/47BFine used
League of Nations 1937-43 gril...
SGLN45/55BFine used
League of Nations 1937-43 smoo...
SGLN45/55AFine used
League of Nations 1938 Bureau ...
SGLN62Fine used
SGLN56/59Fine used
SGLB48/51Fine used
SGLB52/55Fine used
SGLB77/79Fine used
SGLB76Fine used
League of Nations 1944 3f red-...
SGLN85Fine used
International Bureau of Educat...
SGLE1/21Mounted mint
League of Nations 1944 10f gre...
SGLN87Fine used
League of Nations 1944 set unm...
SGLN67/87Unmounted mint, never hinged
World Health Organisation 1948...
SGLH1/5Mounted mint
SGLHFine used
SGLE23/28Unmounted mint, never hinged
SGLH6/25Unmounted mint, never hinged
United Nations 1950 odd values...
SGLUFine used
International Refugee Organisa...
SGLR1/8Unmounted mint, never hinged
SGLE29/39Fine used
SGLB80/90Fine used
SGLE29/39Mounted mint
SGLB480/90Unmounted mint, never hinged
United Nations 1950 set fine l...
SGLU120Mounted mint
United Nations 1950 2f brown-l...
SGLU17Fine used
United Nations 1955 Anniversar...
SGLU21Fine used
United Nations 1955-59 set fin...
SGLU22/30Fine used
SGLB91/99Fine used